Gunnera Manicata Seeds "Dinosaur Food Plant" *25 SEEDS* Giant Rhubarb is One of the Most Enormous and Spectacular, Architectural, Herbaceous Plants on Earth. Thought to be around 150 Million Years Old and First Introduced into Europe in the 1860′s. It is Often called Dinosaur Food or Giant Rhubarb due to it's Gigantic, Deeply Lobed, Deep Green Leaves, which Grow up to 6' Feet Across. This is the Granddaddy of Big-Leaved Perennials. No Other Plant can so Thoroughly Alter the Scale of a Garden while Calling such Attention to Itself. The Architectural Leaves Grow up to 6 Feet across. They are Rounded and Deeply Toothed, and Sit atop Prickly Stalks that Extend to 10 Feet Tall and Form Giant Clumps. Gunnera manicata Produces Large, Bottle-Brush Spikes of Tiny Reddish-Green Flowers in the Spring. It Looks Particularly at Home at the Water's Edge and Thrives in it's Boggy Soil. Gunneras Need a Lot of Space because it is Difficult to Restrict their Size. They Look Best Standing as Specimen Plants in a Damp Bog Garden, or Beside a Large Pond where the Reflections Reveal the Undersides of the Leaves. The Stalks hold Tiny Red-Brown Flowers on Erect Panicles up to 3' Feet in Height, Followed by Small Red Berry-Like Fruits. The Seed Size is Incredibly Small One of the Most Gigantic Plants in the World, the Seeds are as Small as Poppy Seed. The Fat Growth Buds Clustered in the Crown are Prone to Frost Damage, so Pile the Dead Leaves and Stems into a Mound over the Plants in Autumn for Winter Protection. Gunnera manicata is Easy to Grow. Good Soil with Steady Moisture, by a Pond or Stream Perhaps, and a Great Deal of Space is All you Need to Enjoy this Magnificent Prehistoric Plant, but can be Planted Anywhere in Your Yard as Long as you Keep the Soil Wet and Do Not Let it Dry Out. Gunneras can be Grown in Zones 6 - 11 as long as Adequate Protection is Provided in the Fall before Winter sets in. The Most Ideal Zones would be 9-11. Gunnera manicata Germination: "Gunnera seeds are very tiny, with a germination rate of 35-40% in the proper conditions, so plant more than you need, & handle with care" "Always use gloves when handling seed because the oils from your hands can easily ruin them and prevent germination." 1) Sow in a flat filled with good moistened compost mixed with vermiculite or perlite. Seeds should be lightly strewn at about one inch apart. Do not completely bury as these seeds "need light for germination" so you can simply lightly tamp them into soil or gently cover with a very thin fine layer of sand. 2) Use a heated propagator under your seed tray & cover the tray with plastic or glass and place where temperatures are 68 to 77 degrees F. at all times. The best Gunnera seed propagation is achieved in warmer temperatures. Bottom heat from the heated propagator will help speed germination. 3) Remove the plastic or glass once every day to allow air into the area and mist to keep moist. "Only use a spray bottle to mist them with." Being Gunnera manicata seeds are so tiny, even lightly watering will displace the seeds, causing them to sink deeper into the soil, which will cause them to rot, so only mist them to keep moist, and not overly wet. 5) As with most all Exotic seeds germination can be erratic so patience will be required for them. Germination can be quite quick for some seeds sprouting within 15 days, while most will take up to 90 days. These Rare Prehistoric Giants are Definitely Worth the Wait! "Please Contact us First if you need Anything" Germinación de Gunnera manicata: "Las semillas de Gunnera son muy pequeñas, con una tasa de germinación del 35-40% en las condiciones adecuadas, por lo que debe plantar más de lo que necesita y manipularlas con cuidado" "Utilice siempre guantes al manipular las semillas porque los aceites de sus manos pueden arruinarlas fácilmente y evitar la germinación". 1) Siembre en una bandeja llena de buen abono humedecido mezclado con vermiculita o perlita. Las semillas deben esparcirse ligeramente a una distancia de aproximadamente una pulgada. No las entierre por completo, ya que estas semillas "necesitan luz para germinar", por lo que puede simplemente apisonarlas ligeramente en la tierra o cubrirlas suavemente con una capa muy fina de arena. 2) Utilice un propagador calentado debajo de su bandeja de semillas y cubra la bandeja con plástico o vidrio y colóquela en un lugar donde la temperatura sea de 68 a 77 grados F en todo momento. La mejor propagación de las semillas de Gunnera se logra en temperaturas más cálidas. El calor de la parte inferior del propagador calentado ayudará a acelerar la germinación. 3) Quita el plástico o el vidrio una vez al día para que entre aire en el área y rocía para mantener la humedad. "Solo usa una botella rociadora para rociarlas". Como las semillas de Gunnera manicata son tan pequeñas, incluso un riego leve desplazará las semillas, lo que hará que se hundan más profundamente en el suelo, lo que hará que se pudran, así que solo rocíalas para mantenerlas húmedas, y no demasiado mojadas. 5) Como ocurre con la mayoría de las semillas exóticas, la germinación puede ser errática, por lo que se requiere paciencia. La germinación puede ser bastante rápida para algunas semillas que brotan en 15 días, mientras que la mayoría tardará hasta 90 días. ¡Estos raros gigantes prehistóricos definitivamente valen la pena la espera! 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